Product Definition

ZN85-40.5 indoor high-voltage AC vacuum circuit breaker is suitable for three-phase AC 50Hz, rated voltage of 40.5kV indoor handcart switch cabinet, for industrial and mining enterprises, power plants and substations as a split load current, overload current, fault current, and for frequent operation of the site. Circuit breakers shall be designed, manufactured and inspected in accordance with GB/T 1984 and relevant standards.

Normal conditions of use

1. The ambient temperature is not higher than 40 ℃, not lower than -10 ℃ (allowed to be stored and transported at -30 ℃).

2. The altitude does not exceed 1500m.

3. Relative humidity: the daily average is not more than 95%, the monthly average is not more than 90%, the daily average of saturated vapor pressure is not more than 2.2 x 10-3Mpa, and the monthly average is not more than 1.8 x 10-3Mpa.

4. The seismic intensity does not exceed 8 degrees.

5. There is no fire, explosion hazard, serious pollution, chemical corrosion and violent vibration of the place.

Main technical parameters of products

Nom Unit Data
Rated voltage kV 40.5
1min power frequency withstand voltage (effective value) kV 95
Lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak) kV 185
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current A 1250/1600/2000/2500
Rated short-time withstand current kA 20/25/31.5
Rated peak withstand current kA 50/63/80
Rated short circuit duration s 4
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA 20/25/31.5
Rated short-circuit closing current kA 50/63/80
Rated operating sequence   O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO
Breaking time ms <80
Rated short-circuit breaking current breaking times Times 20
Breaking current of single capacitor bank A 630
Back-to-back capacitor bank breaking current A 400
Rated operating voltage v AC/DC 110、220
Mechanical life Times 10000